Welcome to IPRO

IPRO Waste Management Solutions India Private Limited is a team of young entrepreneurs focused on solving the problems in the ancient waste management industry with the new and innovative ideas using technology.

  • We believe that making this world a cleaner place is responsibility of all of us.
  • We are creating transparency in the industry where it is missing for generations.
  • Our mission is to make this world a cleaner and better place by helping its partners find economic value in their waste streams and confidently execute on their sustainability goals.


We offer comprehensive recycling, industry-specific waste management, quality control & sustainability solutions for businesses and corporations.


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a critical policy mechanism to help advance a zero waste future and a circular economy. EPR shifts responsibility for the postconsumer management of products and packaging from local governments to producers.


Waste audits can reveal wasteful problems,costly or unlock opportunities like new revenue streams. A waste audit is essential for maximizing the effectiveness.

Environment Consultancy

Companies are facing increasing demands to deliver innovative products/ services, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.

Bio Medical Waste

The waste generated from medical activities can be hazardous, toxic and even lethal because of their high potential for diseases transmission.


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Our Portfolio

Waste Management is on a mission to maximize resource value, while minimizing - and even eliminating - environmental impact so that both our economy and our environment can thrive.

  • All
  • Recycle
  • Economic
  • Environmental

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